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How to Merge AppSec and DevOps Effectively for the Good of Software


Think About Your Audience Before Choosing a Webinar Title

Sponsored by ZERONORTH

Thursday, February 11, 2021
3 pm ET

Organizations are embracing DevOps to support extremely rapid release cycles and meet the demands of digital transformation. But without incorporating AppSec testing into DevOps processes and releasing insecure software into production, these organization are putting themselves at considerable risk. Yet, integrating and orchestrating AppSec tools within DevOps pipelines is a complex, extremely time-consuming task often left up to developers whose mandate is to produce quality software within very tight timeframes, not figure out security.

In this webinar,  ZeroNorth’s DevSecOps Evangelist Dan Beauregard (DevOps expert) & Solution Architect Patrick Hayes (security expert) will dig into some of the technical challenges around integrating AppSec within DevOps pipelines. They will discuss a new approach that can help organizations easily ramp up their AppSec program while making AppSec transparent and friction free for developers.

The webinar will cover how to:

  • Remove the complexity around connecting, configuring and maintaining application security tools within DevOps pipelines
  • Empower developers by giving them the flexibility to choose their AppSec tools
  • Make AppSec an integral part of the DevOps process —not separate from it
  • Eliminate the security friction points between security and development teams that impact pipeline velocity
Dan Beauregard
DevSecOps Evangelist - ZeroNorth
Dan Beauregard is ZeroNorth’s DevSecOps Evangelist, responsible for helping organizations deliver application security at the speed of DevOps. Dan has held numerous leadership roles in strategy, solution engineering and product management at leading cloud and application delivery companies (Digital.ai, XebiaLabs, Scalr, DynamicOps—acquired by VMware). He brings to ZeroNorth over 15 years of experience guiding organizations in their adoption of the latest cloud and DevSecOps technologies and is a Certified Solution Architect with AWS. He spent the first part of his career in Development, focusing on building highly distributed, fault-tolerant systems for leading storage companies. Dan holds a Master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He enjoys golfing and skiing in his spare time. Follow him on Twitter @dbeau72.
Patrick Hayes
Solution Architect - ZeroNorth
Patrick Hayes is an experienced Solution Architect at ZeroNorth, with 6+ years in Application Security. Prior to ZeroNorth he worked with organizations to build and evolve their application security program to adapt to today's development processes.


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What You’ll Learn in This Webinar

You’ve probably written a hundred abstracts in your day, but have you come up with a template that really seems to resonate? Go back through your past webinar inventory and see what events produced the most registrants. Sure – this will vary by topic but what got their attention initially was the description you wrote.

Paint a mental image of the benefits of attending your webinar. Often times this can be summarized in the title of your event. Your prospects may not even make it to the body of the message, so get your point across immediately.  Capture their attention, pique their interest, and push them towards the desired action (i.e. signing up for your event). You have to make them focus and you have to do it fast. Using an active voice and bullet points is great way to do this.

Always add key takeaways. Something like this....In this session, you’ll learn about:

  • You know you’ve cringed at misspellings and improper grammar before, so don’t get caught making the same mistake.
  • Get a second or even third set of eyes to review your work.
  • It reflects on your professionalism even if it has nothing to do with your event.