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Who was poking around in your database? This can be an unnerving question that organizations often avoid because it's difficult to investigate and the answer usually leads to even more questions. Whether discovered through an audit or a data breach post-mortem, the investigation is usually frightening. What's even scarier is not having the tools to find anything at all.
Join Rob Richardson, Cyral developer advocate, as he dives into why we often disable logs, how we can successfully understand data access patterns and why leveraging app access logs isn't sufficient to prevent data leaks, detect anomalies and gain context into vulnerabilities.
Key Takeaways:
You’ve probably written a hundred abstracts in your day, but have you come up with a template that really seems to resonate? Go back through your past webinar inventory and see what events produced the most registrants. Sure – this will vary by topic but what got their attention initially was the description you wrote.
Paint a mental image of the benefits of attending your webinar. Often times this can be summarized in the title of your event. Your prospects may not even make it to the body of the message, so get your point across immediately. Capture their attention, pique their interest, and push them towards the desired action (i.e. signing up for your event). You have to make them focus and you have to do it fast. Using an active voice and bullet points is great way to do this.
Always add key takeaways. Something like this....In this session, you’ll learn about: